Knowing Your Options is More Important Than Ever - Hospice of Orange & Sullivan
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Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties

Knowing Your Options is More Important Than Ever

During this time of uncertainty, what is within our control is to address our concerns and plan ahead.  Knowing about end-of-life care options is more important than ever.

Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties, Inc. is your leading community resource in the Hudson Valley for providing patients and families with compassionate physical, emotional and spiritual end of life care, with comfort, dignity and respect.

Coping with a terminal illness can be a difficult enough experience without having to worry about pain management, medication costs, and assistance with care-giving. Surprisingly, many Medicare beneficiaries are unaware that Medicare’s Hospice Benefit is available to assist dying patients and their families with these issues at the end of life.

Considered to be the model for high-quality, compassionate care for people with a life-limiting illness, hospice care includes expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support. Care is provided by an inter-disciplinary team of professionals and trained volunteers. The wishes of the patient and family are always at the center of care.

It’s an all too common situation.  A family is at the bedside of a loved one who is seriously ill and nearing the end of life. Each member of the family has a different idea of what should be done and what the patient would have wanted.

When dealing with a serious illness and a cure is no longer possible, hospice provides the type of care most people say they want at the end of life: comfort and dignity. Often, by waiting too long to learn about possible options, like hospice care, people end up spending difficult days in the hospital or the emergency room and opportunities to be with loved ones at home are lost.

Care is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans and HMO’s.

For more information please call 845-561-6111 or go to