Friends of Hospice
These past two years have been a challenge. And yet, in so many aspects of our lives, we have learned to roll with it and carry on.
Such has been the case with the Friends of Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties. Despite limited opportunities to raise funds, we have managed to keep alive our goal of supporting Hospice in their mission “to provide patients and families with compassionate physical, emotional and spiritual end of life care with comfort, dignity and respect.”
We are grateful to report in 2020/21:
- The Friends supported the Kaplan Family Hospice Residence by providing
Custom Made Bedspreads for the model room. - Friends fulfilled a request for 10 personal Tactile Sensory Cushions, a therapeutic aid designed for Alzheimer and dementia patients.
- The Children’s Grieving Program has continued to operate through “Thriving Families Virtual Support Group” with the new addition of hands-on Activity Boxes, courtesy of the Friends, which are mailed to each child containing a teddy bear, workbooks and craft materials.
- The staff brought Holiday spirit to the Residence by putting up the holiday décor and decorating the tree (all provided by Friends) and purchasing Poinsettias for resident’s rooms and common areas.
- Purchasing Sheets and Mattress Pads for patients and families in need receiving care at home through our ongoing white sale.
Friends of Hospice Officers
Ellen Galligan, President
Colleen Fogarty, Vice President
Sue Wilk, Secretary
Barbara Naru, Treasurer
Maggie Sutter, Hospice Liaison
Friends of Hospice promote and assist to advance Hospice Services in Orange and Sullivan Counties
It is time for our annual Membership/Renewal. Won’t you join us in this effort by renewing your Membership or coming on board as a New Member to support the valuable work of Hospice? Your $25 Membership Dues will go directly toward supporting Hospice patients and their families.
The White Sale/On Going Fundraiser
Wondering how you can help Hospice? There are many patients who receive Hospice care at home. Many patients are in need of bed sheets for hospital beds and mattress pads. Friends of Hospice provides these supplies throughout the year. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a huge difference to the comfort of these patients and peace of mind for their care givers.
- $10/Mattress Pad
- $15/Sheets
- $25/Sheets and Pad
Please send your donation to:
The White Sale c/o Friends of Hospice | 800 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, NY 12550
*The Friends of Hospice established in 2008. Our mission is to reach out to inform our communities about Hospice Services and the importance of end of life care. Through our friend and fundraisers we connect with others and are able to support hospice families in need. Friends of Hospice financially helps to support The Children’s Grieving Center and Camp Chrysalis, bereavement support programs for children who have lost a loved one and the purchase of sheets and mattress pads for families in need for loved ones receiving hospice care at home. Friends also supplies tote bags for families at the Kaplan Family Hospice Residence and other items needed, and is also called on at times to assist the organization in other ways.
One of the ways we accomplish these things is by requesting a $25.00 donation annually to become a Friend of Hospice. We hold an annual spring meeting and membership events quarterly.
Our two main fundraisers are the Annual Mum Sale, held every September and Witch Hat Party every October. We also run an ongoing White Sale for the purchase of XL Bed Sheets and Mattress Pads for our families in need receiving Hospice care at home. All bed sheets and mattress pads are purchased at Bed Bath & Beyond in Newburgh. We look forward to growing and making new friends.