Hospice & Palliative Care Assoc.of NY Urges to be Included in Phase 1 Covid-19 Vaccination
As members of the Hospice & Palliative Care Association of New York State -HPCANYS, we too urge to be included in Phase 1 of the Covid-19 distribution to the Healthcare Workforce.
A letter from Jeanne Chirico, MPA CEO/President of Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State is shared in support of this important request.
Dear HPCANYS Members and Supporters of Hospice Care.
Despite all our efforts we have been unable to secure a place in the COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Planning.
we feel it is time to activate our membership in calling attention to this error.
Included you will find the HPCANYS Dec 30 Press Release Regarding Vaccination Guidance we sent today to all our legislative, government, and media contacts.
We are asking you to use your voice in applying pressure from every angle to convince the Governor’s Office and the COVID-19 Distribution Task Force of the need to identify when, where, and how Hospice and palliative care employees will receive the COVID-19 Vaccination. Call and/or send emails to your representatives, the governor’s office, Commissioner Zucker and anyone else you feel can apply pressure. Below is our local contact information for your convenience. NYS Directory of Hospices and Legislators
James Skoufis NY Senate District 39
Contact James Skoufis | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov)
Jonathan G. Jacobson Assembly District 104
Please include in your outreach an email to [email protected]
Should you have any questions about reaching your legislators please reach out to our Director of Government Relations, Cheryl Kraus at [email protected]
Thank you for everything you do to provide and professional care to the most seriously ill New Yorkers.
With much respect,
Jeanne Chirico, MPA
Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State
119 Washington Ave.
Suite 302
Albany, NY 12210
Cell 585-314-5969