Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. Named to New York Top 10 List for Quality and Family Satisfaction
Of the many considerations that come with picking a hospice care provider, patients and their loved ones often come across different rankings that can indicate how providers compare. One survey, released yearly by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), provides an impartial report on the quality of services provided to hospice patients. This year, CMS has announced the results of its 2020 Hospice Compare survey, naming Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. among the top ten hospice care providers in New York in the categories of quality and family satisfaction, for the second year in a row.
CMS is a government-run agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid Services. Its Hospice Compare survey is focused on improving the quality of hospice care and reports information from around the nation, allowing patients, family members, and healthcare providers to understand the quality of care each hospice provides. New York State contains approximately 40 hospice services, meaning Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. has ranked well beyond many other hospice providers. You can view the full list of hospice providers in New York by clicking here.
The pandemic resulted in a difficult year for many, but Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. is grateful to its employees, who diligently treated our patients with the utmost care, from nurses, physicians, and social workers to volunteers, nursing home staff, and spiritual caregivers. We’re proud to provide the same quality of comprehensive care throughout even the toughest times. Click here to view our full list of services.
For the Hospice Compare survey, a variety of factors are considered when determining rankings. Here are some areas where Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. has ranked above the national average for family caregiver experience:
- Communication with family
- Treating patients with respect
- Emotional and spiritual support
- Training family to care for the patient
- Willingness to recommend this hospice
Further, here are metrics where Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. ranked above the national average for quality of patient care:
- Percentage of patients getting a visit from RN, physician, or other medical professional the last three days of life
- Patients who were asked about treatment preferences like hospitalization at the beginning of hospice care
- Patients or caregivers asked about their beliefs and values at the beginning of hospice care
- Patients who were checked for pain at the beginning of hospice care.
Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc. has been the leading community resource for hospice care for over 33 years, providing patients and their families with comprehensive physical, emotional, and spiritual end-of-life care. Our organization looks forward to continuing to provide quality care and to contribute to the overall satisfaction of our patients and their loved ones.